Thursday, 16 May 2013

Rotorua (Part 1)

Nathan and I were invited to visit some family friends staying in a town named Rotorua. So we took a little trip! Here are a few things we did:

This is The Ogo:

Yes, we rolled down a hill in a giant bubble. And yes, it was awesome.
(By the way, mom, you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)

After this you have a new perspective on life . . . maybe because when climbing out it gives one the sensation of being reborn . . . 

. . . if only child birth were that easy . . .

This is a Wharenui (meeting house), built on the Marae (cultural land):

The Maori have the most beautiful stone and wood carvings.

Here is the view from the rooftop of a museum:

It was a gorgeous building. The museum used to be a bath house. Which is pretty cool because Rotorua has natural hot pools.

To be continued . . .

But I will leave you with this photo that I finished painting today. It is of my little bro :) I wanted to post it in honor of him serving a mission for our church. He is my best bud and I am incredibly proud of him. I also feel completely blessed that God let him be my brother, because it takes a special soul to laugh at my jokes and he is my kind of special. I love Elder Munk!! Best wishes, good luck, and don't ever change.

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